Modus Health’s StepWatch™ has been validated in over 600 peer-reviewed publications. Its superb accuracy has StepWatch™ being used as the gold standard by researchers and companies such as Google, Fitbit, and Samsung Digital Health for measuring the accuracy of their fitness monitors.

We’re also trusted by some of the most respected research institutions in the world.

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S. Samejima, C. D. Caskey, F. Inanici, et al. Multisite Transcutaneous Spinal Stimulation for Walking and Autonomic Recovery in Motor-Incomplete Tetraplegia: A Single-Subject Design. Phys Ther 2022; 102(1).
S. Popham, M. Burq, E. E. Rainaldi, S. Shin, J. Dunn, R. Kapur. An Algorithm to Classify Real-World Ambulatory Status From a Wearable Device Using Multimodal and Demographically Diverse Data: Validation Study. JMIR Biomed Eng 2023; 8:e43726.
S. Park, R. T. Marcotte, L. P. Toth, et al. Free-Living Validation and Harmonization of 10 Wearable Step Count Monitors. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 2021; 6(4).
S. Johnson, M. Karas, K. Burke, et al. Wearable device and smartphone data can track ALS disease progression and may serve as novel clinical trial outcome measures. 2022.
S. Garcia Oliveira, S. Lourenco Nogueira, J. Alex Matos Ribeiro, et al. Concurrent validity and reliability of an activity monitoring for rehabilitation (AMoR) platform for step counting and sitting/lying time in post-stroke individuals. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2022; 29(2):103-113.
R. W. Motl, B. M. Sandroff, R. H. Benedict. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is associated with processing speed, but not learning and memory, in cognitively impaired persons with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2022; 63:103833
R. Keukenkamp, J. J. van Netten, T. E. Busch-Westbroek, S. A. Bus. Custom-made footwear designed for indoor use increases short-term and long-term adherence in people with diabetes at high ulcer risk. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2022; 10(1):e002593.
R. J. Mays, C. W. Wesselman, R. White, et al. Automated Detection of Exercise Sessions in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: EVIDENCE FOR AN EXERCISE DOSE RESPONSE TO TRAINING. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2021; 41(3):176-181.
R. Handlery, E. W. Regan, J. C. Stewart, et al. Predictors of daily steps at 1-year poststroke: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Stroke 2021; 52(5):1768-1777
F. R. Svarre, M. M. Jensen, J. Nielsen, M. Villumsen. The validity of activity trackers is affected by walking speed: the criterion validity of Garmin Vivosmart((R)) HR and StepWatch() 3 for measuring steps at various walking speeds under controlled conditions. PeerJ 2020; 8:e9381.